Howl at the Moon HOME ON EARTH FOR

Pat Thomas

Articles (Beyond GM)

20 Feb 2015

Eat GMOs, Get Fat?

Genetically modified food has been widely publicised as way to feed the world – but could eating it just make our ‘eating problems’ worse? Since it has been shown GMOs don’t increase yields or make food more nutritious, and in fact may even contain higher residues of harmful pesticides, the mythology of feeding the world […]

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29 Jan 2015

GMOs – A Game of Risk

GMO media-watchers will know that very recently there has been a biotech PR onslaught, the goal of which is to juxtapose the words ‘GMOs’ and ‘safe’ in such a way they the two concepts become ‘normalised’ as being associated with one another. Nothing could be further from the truth and we must do all we […]

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13 Jan 2015

What Today’s EU Vote on GMOs Means for You

Today the European Parliament debated then voted on a controversial Directive that would allow individual Member States to ban cultivation of genetically modified organisms on their territories even when the crop is authorised at EU level. While some may think this is a good thing, in fact the flawed and deeply compromised Directive, which was […]

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01 Oct 2006

Read the Label: Penetration Enhancers

Modern bodycare products are designed to go deep into the skin. Every day we absorb any number of harmful chemicals in the name of beauty. Pat Thomas reports Your skin absorbs up to 60 per cent of the chemicals that come into contact with it and sends them directly into the bloodstream. Research suggests it […]

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