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Pat Thomas

Staying Healthy in a Toxic World

By Pat Thomas, 19/04/12 Articles
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What is natural health? There was a time when the answer seemed a lot simpler and mostly involved a good diet and choosing natural remedies such as herbs, homoeopathy, aromatherapy and massage over conventional medicines wherever you could.

These days it’s more complex. Natural health is as much about actively avoiding – as much as any of us can – the persistent pollutants and toxins in our everyday environments as it is about making healthier choices in food and medicine. Staying healthy these days can seem like a full time job.

To avoid toxins in the products we buy many of us have become label readers. But there are moves afoot in the European Union to limit what information can be put on cosmetic labels. Currently the EU is considering banning informative ‘free from’ and ‘no’ claims. Read our story to find out more and learn how you can support us in our efforts to keep labels honest and informative.

In the mean time, if you’ve never tried a detox before this is the ideal time of year to treat yourself. Try our gentle 10 day plan to restore vitality. And if you are thinking of giving up smoking there’s advice on supportive natural remedies.

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