Howl at the Moon HOME ON EARTH FOR

Pat Thomas

CRISPR GMOs―They’re Cheap and Fast, But Are They Good?

05/11/20 Articles

This year’s Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded to two scientists―Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna―“who transformed an obscure bacterial immune mechanism, commonly called CRISPR, into a tool that can simply and cheaply edit the genomes of everything from wheat to mosquitoes to humans.” According to the Nobel Prize committee the “genetic scissors” of CRISPR “have […]

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Webinar: Climate Crisis, Designer Babies and Pandemics

22/09/20 News

Such an interesting and wide-ranging discussion with author and activist Bill McKibben, evolutionary biologist Stuart Newman and social theorist Marsha Darling focussing on the common threads between COVID-19, the looming climate crisis, centuries of race-based oppression and proposals for “designer babies”. You might not think that they are all linked but, in fact, each demonstrates […]

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Webinar: Sense, Science and Sustainability

01/08/20 News

As part of the Bigger Conversation initiative, which we run at Beyond GM, I was pleased to chair a meeting of minds for this webinar which asked a huge and challenging question: Can genome editing and agroecology co-exist in the sustainable food and farming mix? The panel was a “Who’s Who” of farming, animal welfare, biotechnology, […]

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New Booklet on Food Sovereignty

27/07/20 News

Food Sovereignty – Rethinking the Food System continues the series of information booklets I have been doing with the Daphne Lambert and the Greencuisine Trust. Today, we are witnessing a growing and urgent debate over the future of food and farming. There is real momentum behind the desire to transform the food system, to recognise its […]

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