Our Campaign is Growing

The last year or so has seen the Beyond GM group grow and reach out to ever more people in the UK.
After 20 years of failure it’s hard to believe that corporate interests are still pushing the GMO agenda in what amounts to a large uncontrolled experiment in food and human health. But they are and if possible even harder – and with even more money in their pockets – than before. Beyond GM was founded late in 2014 by myself and others to ensure that when it comes to agricultural GM, we have an engaged and educated public that understands the problems – as well as the solutions – and will speak out for a better, fairer, safer food system than genetic modification could ever provide.
From the establishment of core campaign of Beyond GM we now have a thriving GM Free Me campaign, the phenomenally successful Letter form America – now translated into 8 languages, lively GMO OMG film nights, and a growing group of mothers Mums Say no to GMOs who are putting forward the consumer case. This year we have embarked on a major photographic campaign We Feed The World, to help highlight the importance of small and family farmers to the future of our food system. There will be more to come as the year unfolds.
Please support us and use our websites and social media as resources to help you keep in touch and to understand more about agricultural GMOs and their impact on food, environment and health.