New Kids Video Project

It’s their future and they must have a voice.
This I’m currently involved as producer on a unique video project for my group Beyond GM.
Our Food Our Future aims to give children a chance to speak up about GMOs and educate other kids in the world about their experiences.
It is calling on kids of all ages in the Americas to start an international conversation by sending in a short video of themselves talking about the food issues that affect them and their families, with a specific focus on GMOs, pesticides, labelling, health, environment, activism and the future.
The project is a next phase of the successful Letter from America project which launched in 2014 to international acclaim and with widespread support by US NGOs and high profile individuals.
Our Food Our Future aims to get kids in the Americas telling their stories to kids in the UK and the rest of Europe, where many governments, including the British government, are planning to plant GMO crops and, with the implementation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), import more GMOs foods and animal feed.
We’ve been very luck to have Beyond GM’s teen ‘ambassador’ Mya-Rose Craig (aka Birdgirl) assists us with our video appeal.
If you have kids – or grandkids – or are a kid living in the Americas please support the project by uploading your video here.