Mixing it Up at the GMO Free Regions Conference

I had a great time in Berlin at the recent GMO Free Regions conference this month.
I was there representing my campaigning group Beyond GM.
Participants from political circles, economists, scientists and civil society from all over Europe, as well as guests from America, Asia and Africa met and had many discussions and workshops about building a future agricultural system without genetically modified plants and animals.
It was great to meet people whom I had corresponded with for a long time and I left feeling very positive that even though our government doesn’t have a clue about GMOs, there are plenty of hardworking NGOs who are out there setting the record straight.
I was also fortunate enough to be part of a panel on TTIP and it’s impact on GMOS in Europe (alongside my opposite numbers at Friends of the Earth and Corporate Observatory Europe, as well as being asked to put together a short workshop on public engagement with the GMOS issue that introduced the work of Beyond GM to the European GMO community (read more about the conference here).
The weather was magnificent and I also had some time to do some sightseeing – something I hadn’t done since the Wall was still standing!
All in all, a good week.