Green Washing or Green Wisdom?

Very much looking forward to my talk at the Cotesbach Educational Trust on November 5 on the thorny topic of ‘real’ sustainability.
This talk has a personal resonance as well as a professional one because I first connected with the Trust through my genealogy research.
My 11x great grandfather, John Quarles, a Draper and Merchant Adventurer, was once the ‘lord of the manor’ at Cotesbach in Leicestershire. The story is layered with the kind of ancestral karma that ensured I’d end up in environmental work, since his enclosure of the village – fencing off fields that had traditionally been common land and thereby cutting tenant farmers off from their only means of making a living and feeding their families – is widely credited with kicking off the Midland Revolt of 1607.
I initially corresponded with their friendly archivist and eventually was treated to a wonderful visit of the existing hall and surrounding farmland. Turns out the current owners are passionate about environment, organic and sustainability. So round and round it all goes…
The talk is part of the Reconnect 2020 project and it will be a great way to spend Bonfire Night!
Quick update: What a fantastic evening – a full house and thanks to all who came. You can access the talk here and read more here. Great questions from an engaged audience! I promised one or two that I would make the .pdf of 80 Reasonable Questions to Ask About Any New Technology available (see here). This is not an original work but something I came across years ago, which I have tweaked and added to and which is useful for lifting you out of furrowed thinking. Some of these questions are also used the CultureShift deck of my Infrequently Asked Questions game.