GM Health Risks Week

It’s GM Health Risks Week this September 2-8, and I will be chairing one of the London events.
The aim of the week is to explore recent evidence that casts uncertainty over the safety of GM food; to begin a public debate around the risks and regulation of GM food; and highlight the results of the 2012 study by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini, which found that rats fed with Monsanto’s GM NK603 maize and tiny amounts of Roundup pesticide suffered severe organ damage and increased risk of tumours and premature death (you can read more about Prof Séralini’s findings here
During the week internationally renowned scientists and commentators including Professor Séralini will present their evidence and engage in discussions in locations around the UK. The series of talks and events is intended to highlight the campaigning efforts which already exist and to alert decision makers to the need for more research and better regulation of GM.
It will be a great chance to develop discussions around GM health risks, regulation, the food system and democracy.
I will be chairing an event on the evening of September 4th called GM Health Risks – An Evening of New Evidence featuring presentations from Professor Séralini, Claire Robinson from UK-based campaigning group GM Watch and David Murphy and Lisa Stokke co-founder of US-based Food Democracy Now!
The evening is being supported by the Gaia Foundation, War on Want and the World Development Movement.
Please come along if you can or see the main website for events that may be happening near you.
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