Howl at the Moon HOME ON EARTH FOR

Pat Thomas


01 May 2004

Proof! Panel: Magnetic Insoles

Our fascination with magnetic healing has a long history. As with all forms of energy medicine, there are significant divides between those who are convinced that magnets can heal and those who believe it ‘s hokum. Results of studies (both positive and negative), commercial endorsements from sportsmen and women who believe magnets give them an […]

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01 Apr 2004

Natural Ways to Prevent Acne

Given the link with fluctuating hormone levels and the possible underlying genetic influences, many doctors believe there is no way to prevent acne. This means that most are practising disease control rather than prevention, often with powerful antibiotics, steroids or other anti-inflammatory medications. Yet, despite the advertising hype, few – if any – commercial skin […]

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01 Apr 2004

Bowel Disease: Worms and Dirt – Medicine’s Newest Weapons

The diagnosis of ‘inflammatory bowel disease’, or IBD, is among medicine’s many umbrella terms. It hovers over a range of inflammatory conditions of the bowel, although two in particular – ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease – are the most common. In the gut, some degree of inflammation is necessary and desirable. Inflammatory cells in […]

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01 Apr 2004

Road Test: Hair Loss Products

Going bald is one of the first signs of physical decay that men experience. Hair loss can strike as young as 18, and almost all men will be balding by age 70. Typically, it starts with a loss of hair at the crown and temples. These bare patches gradually spread, eventually laying waste to most […]

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01 Mar 2004

Natural Ways to Prevent Back Pain

An amazing four out of five adults will experience significant low-back pain at some time during their life. The most common reason, say experts, is work-related back injuries, but activities at home and at play can also result in back pain. Here are some simple, effective ways to keep the strain from turning into pain. […]

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01 Mar 2004

Proof! Panel: Natural Deodorants

Nobody wants to go around smelling like a compost heap (or be around someone who does), but what price do you pay for keeping shower-fresh all day long? This old question was recently resurrected when UK researchers highlighted the potential risks associated with the preservatives parahydroxybenzoic acids, or parabens, in deodorants. Parabens are used in […]

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01 Feb 2004

Natural Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss

A surprising one in seven people have a hearing loss – that’s about 8.7 million in the UK alone. Age-related hearing loss usually begins at 50 and, according to the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, 55 per cent of those over 60 are deaf or hard of hearing. Usually, the only ‘treatment’ is a […]

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01 Jan 2004

Depression – Natural Ways to Avoid Riding the Antidepressant Highways

Many things can trigger depression. It is common during life changes such as adolescence, marriage, birth and menopause. It can be a consequence of your upbringing – such as whether or not you were taught effective coping skills as a child. There is a genetic component to depression, and influences such as diet, stress and […]

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01 Jan 2004

Depression – A Children’s Health Scandal

Children as young as two are being prescribed powerful mood-changing drugs such as Prozac and other antidepressants. Although usage usually begins at the age of six and then carries on until the age of 19, the number of two- to four-year-olds taking stimulants (such as Ritalin), antidepressants (such as Prozac), antipsychotics and clonidine (used to […]

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01 Jan 2004

Road Test: Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Your skin is a mirror. How it ages is a complex process involving a number of factors. Some of these, such as genes, gravity and normal ageing, are not within your control, but many others are. Prematurely ageing skin often mirrors the body’s inefficiency in eliminating toxins and waste products. Excess sun exposure creates skin-damaging […]

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