Test-taking anxiety or stress is common among secondary-school and university students. It can be both distressing and debilitating. It is not uncommon for a good student who has had good grades throughout the year to find that these drop at exam time. This could be due to poor exam preparation techniques, but high levels of […]
It’s a basic necessity. Brushing your teeth several times daily helps keep them clean, free of plaque-forming bacteria, and freshens the breath. In the UK, we spend lb217 million a year just on toothpaste. Brushing, like most daily tasks, can be boring, so manufacturers now advertise toothpaste so as to suggest it ‘s a beauty […]
While travellers often worry about serious diseases such as hepatitis, cholera and malaria, studies show that the risk of catching a virulent disease during a one-month stay in a developing country is remarkably small – around 0.4 per cent for viral hepatitis and 0.03 per cent for typhoid fever (J Infect Dis, 1987; 156: 84-91; […]
Vitamin E has had a slippery ride since its discovery in 1922, when it was hailed as a virtual cure-all. Our bodies can’t make vitamin E; we have to obtain it from either food or supplements. Soya and wheatgerm oils are concentrated natural sources, and it’s also plentiful in nuts and grains, so deficiency is […]
Moderate exposure to the sun has many benefits. Perhaps the most important of all is synthesis of vitamin D, a hormone-like substance that helps boost immunity and protect bone. Nearly 75 per cent of the body’s vitamin-D supply comes from exposure to the sun – and sunscreens can drastically lower the body’s production of this […]
It is not inevitable that sun exposure will lead to photo-ageing (dry, wrinkled skin), or even to skin cancer. Nevertheless, the sun is now officially the enemy – against which sun creams are our weapons of choice. By Pat Thomas It is not inevitable that sun exposure will lead to photo-ageing (dry, wrinkled skin), […]
A pain in the neck is surprisingly common. At any given point in time, nearly 13 per cent of us will be walking around with a sore neck and, over a lifetime, around 50 per cent of us will experience chronic neck pain. The problem often gets better by itself – a good thing, as […]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) refers to the slow deterioration of the cells in the macula, a tiny yellowish area near the centre of the retina, which contains light-sensitive cells that send visual signals to the brain. Sharp, clear, ‘straight ahead’ or central vision – used mostly for reading, writing, driving and identifying faces – is […]
Whether you regularly use a stick, solid or spray antiperspirant/deodorant, the chances are that it contains a cocktail of chemicals that can lead to mental decline, migraine, and breast cancer. By Pat Thomas Through clever marketing Lynx antiperspirant/deodorant promises much more than dry, sweet smelling pits. On the long-held advertising premise that you can sell […]
Tooth decay and gum disease are widespread throughout the Western world in spite of the availability of high-tech toothbrushes, and ‘scientifically proven’ toothpastes and mouthwashes. Brushing incorrectly or not often enough is one cause, but poor dental health is also a matter of lifestyle. The end result isn’t just bad teeth. Dental problems are linked […]
I am an award-winning campaigner, journalist and author. A former editor of the Ecologist magazine Pat has run campaigns for Paul McCartney’s Meat-Free Monday, Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and Neal’s Yard Remedies. In 2011, my work leading the campaign, Cows Belong in Fields, won CIWF the Observer Ethical Award for Campaigner of the Year. In 2014 I co-founded the campaigning group, Beyond GM.
I am a qualified psychotherapist and the author more than 40 books for adults and children and I was inducted into Who’s Who in 2014. In addition to my work with Beyond GM, I work occasionally with the film production company Ecostorm. I also currently edit and oversee NYR Natural News – a campaigning natural health website, continue to write in a freelance capacity and make regular public speaking and media appearances.
I have been a trustee of both the Soil Association and the Organic Research Centre in the UK and am currently on the advisory board of GMO Free USA and am a trustee of the investigative media agency, Eyewitness.
To read more about me see here.
Contact Pat
Skype: patti.t16
Contact Form
Projects, Consultancies and Public Speaking
I am interested in and available for short- and long-term projects/consultancies, and am particularly keen on those that focus on food, sustainability and culture change. I am also an experienced public speaker.
My unique professional experience means I bring a variety of skills to any work I do, including effective and persuasive communication and writing skills, an holistic perspective on sustainability and change, and both intuitive and analytical ability. I am well known in my field and comfortable working in most fora.
Recent projects/consultancies include work with: Stella McCartney ‘Care’ range, Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Monday, Friends of the Earth, Compassion in World Farming, Soil Association, Neal’s Yard Remedies.
Recent public speaking engagements: UK Aware, Oxford University PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) Society, Durham Union Society (Durham University), Bristol Festival of Nature, World Preservation Foundation, Women’s Institute.
I'm a highly experienced journalist and award winning campaigner specialising in environment and alternative health. I'm also the author of several books for adults and children and a qualified psychotherapist.