Howl at the Moon HOME ON EARTH FOR

Pat Thomas


01 May 2008

Editorial: Greens are The New Reds

There are two things bothering me. Okay, actually, there are a lot of things bothering me, but let’s keep the list short. The first is a recent report that the FBI thinks ‘eco-terrorism’ is the number one domestic terror threat in the US. Greens, it seems, really are the new reds. The second is the […]

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01 Apr 2008

Editorial: It’s the Vaccine, Stupid

Nobody made a big deal of the court decision. In fact the adjudication was shrouded in so much medico-legal babble that a lot of newspapers shied away from reporting it. Nevertheless, quietly and with as little fanfare as possible, the US courts have conceded a case in which a childhood vaccine caused autism. There were […]

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01 Apr 2008

Behind the Label: Roundup Weedkiller

A weedkiller that kills a lot more than simply weeds? If it’s worse than the poison it’s no cure at all, says Pat thomas. A weed, as an insightful gardener once said, is just a plant growing in the wrong place. But to deal with the simple problem of plants growing in the wrong places, globally […]

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01 Mar 2008

Editorial: Going for the Green

A new green tide is sweeping over us. Thanks to January’s presidential debates in the US, politicians everywhere are meeting the grey news of a collapsing economy with the promise of a bright new era of green jobs. I should be jumping for joy that this issue has been placed on the political agenda, and […]

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01 Mar 2008

Sowing False Hopes

Don’t believe everything you hear or read, warns Pat Thomas. There really isn’t an agricultural bright side to rising levels of CO2.

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01 Mar 2008

Behind the Label: Lucozade Sport with Caffeine Boost

Biological rocket fuel they may be, but ‘sports’ drinks can be a danger to health in the long term. Pat Thomas reports. A stalwart of the UK soft drinks market, Lucozade has been around since 1938 and has dominated the UK market for much of that time. Having successfully distanced itself from a traditional image […]

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01 Feb 2008

Editorial: PR Versus Policies

‘We’d really like a woman to talk about this,’ said the researcher from BBC2’s The Daily Politics show. I marvelled that TV was even more crass behind the scenes than on screen, and wondered did they perhaps imagine me wearing my pinny and brandishing a rolling pin, like Hilda Ogden? Or with cleavage a-popping and […]

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01 Feb 2008

Behind the Label: Candles

While nothing says holistic living like a nice candle, that warm glow may be hiding a toxic secret, warns Pat Thomas. Most of us are aware of the health effects of combustion by-products from major outdoor sources, such as cars and power plants, and even from obvious indoor sources such as stoves. Few are aware […]

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01 Dec 2007

Editorial: Gimme Shelter

This thing that we call ‘reality’ has suddenly become much more complex. As the challenges of global warming come at us thick and fast, we are daily coming face to face with our very human limitations in terms of our capacity to order the world around us. We are also forced to acknowledge the limitations […]

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01 Dec 2007

Behind the label: Recycled Toilet Tissue

Your recycled loo paper may be soft, strong and very, very long, but is it really all that green? Pat Thomas gets to the bottom of an issue of convenience. Go on. Imagine life without toilet paper. Or really any of the household paper products we use every day; products we use, largely without thinking, […]

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