There’s a riveting book doing the rounds at the moment. You may think you’ve heard it all before. In moments of exhaustion or relative lulls in the onslaught of health and environmental problems we face, you may even wonder whether the anger and angst directed at so-called “authorities” is justified. Then along comes the cheerfully […]
A Picture of Health? What the New National UK Food Survey Shows
You will have seen the doomsday headlines about the recent government survey which highlighted the looming health disaster that is the average British diet. The media furore suggested that fruit juice and cereal were nothing less than health ‘timebombs’. We’ve certainly reports on the problems of things like the hidden sugars in fruit juice, sugary […]
Question: How many government officials does it take to make sensible decisions about pesticide regulation? Answer: Nobody knows, because it’s never been done. Anybody who follows the pesticide news trail will be aware of the recent report from the US that traces of glyphosate – which since the introduction of GMO crops has become the […]
How a Bit of ‘Forest Bathing’ Could Improve Your Health
We might just call it a walk in the woods. But to the Japanese it is known as shirin-yoku, or ‘forest bathing’. In Japan a gentle walk in a forest has become a recognised form of relaxation and/or stress management activity in Japan and is regarded as having similar health benefits to natural aromatherapy. The […]
We all know what climate change brings. It brings changes in weather with more extremes of heat, precipitation and storms. It brings changes in sea levels and broadens the range major vectors of disease like mosquitoes. We’ve covered some of the health risks associated with climate change, including the mental health risks, on our site […]
Breast Cancer – Shall We Scare Women or Empower Them?
Sometimes a thing just sticks in your head. The organic food and pesticides story, which we featured in our last newsletter, threw up many questions for me – only some of which got articulated on the day. Given Cancer Research UK’s (CRUK) dismissal of the pesticide/cancer link, one of these questions was: what is the […]
A widely publicised study released today has suggested that eating organic food doesn’t stop you getting cancer. Both sides of the debate are scrambling to make their soundbites seem more sensible than the other guys’ – and for reasons known only to newspaper photo editors, pictures of Gwyneth Paltrow are being used to illustrate the […]
As the UK Prime Minister welcomes the recommendations of his science advisors to ‘go it alone’ in Europe and embrace GMO crops, I wonder – whatever happened to the Precautionary Principle?
If you want to know where someone stands on health and environment there can be few better barometers than their views on the Precautionary Principle (PP). The PP, which is part of the regulatory framework in the EU, but not in the US or many other countries, is based on the idea of ‘forecaring’. It […]
The Global Diet: More Calories, Less Diversity, More Risks
We may be eating more, but we are not eating better and the way we eat – which is fast becoming a dietary monoculture – is leading us down the path to global food poverty. That is the conclusion of two recent reports on global food supplies. The first is a comprehensive new study, relying […]
I am an award-winning campaigner, journalist and author. A former editor of the Ecologist magazine Pat has run campaigns for Paul McCartney’s Meat-Free Monday, Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and Neal’s Yard Remedies. In 2011, my work leading the campaign, Cows Belong in Fields, won CIWF the Observer Ethical Award for Campaigner of the Year. In 2014 I co-founded the campaigning group, Beyond GM.
I am a qualified psychotherapist and the author more than 40 books for adults and children and I was inducted into Who’s Who in 2014. In addition to my work with Beyond GM, I work occasionally with the film production company Ecostorm. I also currently edit and oversee NYR Natural News – a campaigning natural health website, continue to write in a freelance capacity and make regular public speaking and media appearances.
I have been a trustee of both the Soil Association and the Organic Research Centre in the UK and am currently on the advisory board of GMO Free USA and am a trustee of the investigative media agency, Eyewitness.
To read more about me see here.
Contact Pat
Skype: patti.t16
Contact Form
Projects, Consultancies and Public Speaking
I am interested in and available for short- and long-term projects/consultancies, and am particularly keen on those that focus on food, sustainability and culture change. I am also an experienced public speaker.
My unique professional experience means I bring a variety of skills to any work I do, including effective and persuasive communication and writing skills, an holistic perspective on sustainability and change, and both intuitive and analytical ability. I am well known in my field and comfortable working in most fora.
Recent projects/consultancies include work with: Stella McCartney ‘Care’ range, Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Monday, Friends of the Earth, Compassion in World Farming, Soil Association, Neal’s Yard Remedies.
Recent public speaking engagements: UK Aware, Oxford University PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) Society, Durham Union Society (Durham University), Bristol Festival of Nature, World Preservation Foundation, Women’s Institute.
I'm a highly experienced journalist and award winning campaigner specialising in environment and alternative health. I'm also the author of several books for adults and children and a qualified psychotherapist.