Howl at the Moon HOME ON EARTH FOR

Pat Thomas

Articles (Organic Consumers Association)

21 May 2019

6 Reasons Impossible Burger’s CEO is Wrong About GMO Soy

Throughout the U.S., major food brands are trying to get rid of GMO ingredients—not necessarily for the right reasons, but because nearly half of consumers say they avoid them in their food, primarily for health reasons. But the CEO of Impossible Foods, purveyor of the Impossible Burger, is bucking that trend. The manufacturers of the […]

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03 May 2019

Organic Farming Works With Nature to Reduce Foodborne Illness

Avocados contaminated with listeria. Romaine lettuce recalled for E. coli contamination. It’s no wonder consumers are concerned about getting sick from the very food health experts recommend they eat more of: fresh fruits and vegetables. The latest statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) serve only toreinforce consumer wariness. The CDC estimates that 48 million people become ill due […]

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